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International Journals

  1. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, E. Masala,
    Multiple Image Distortion DNN Modeling Individual Subject Quality Assessment,
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM), vol. 20, Jun 2024, pp. 1-27, DOI: 10.1145/3664198 (ISSN: 1551-6857) (open access) code

  2. A. Altieri, L. Fotio Tiotsop, G. Valenzise,
    Subjective Media Quality Recovery From Noisy Raw Opinion Scores: A Non-Parametric Perspective,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 26, Apr 2024, pp. 9342-9357, DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2024.3390113 (ISSN: 1520-9210) (open access) code

  3. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, M. Barkowsky, E. Masala,
    Modeling Subject Scoring Behaviors in Subjective Experiments Based on a Discrete Quality Scale,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 26, Mar 2024, pp. 8742-8757, DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2024.3382483 (ISSN: 1520-9210) (open access)

  4. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, M. Barkowsky, P. Pocta, T. Mizdos, G. Van Wallendael, E. Masala,
    Predicting individual quality ratings of compressed images through deep CNNs-based artificial observers,
    Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 112, Mar 2023, pp. 1-15, DOI: 10.1016/j.image.2022.116917 (ISSN: 0923-5965) code

  5. L. Fotio Tiotsop, T. Mizdos, M. Barkowsky, P. Pocta, A. Servetti, E. Masala,
    Mimicking individual media quality perception with neural network based artificial observers,,
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM), vol. 18, Jan 2022, pp. 12:1-12:25, DOI: 10.1145/3464393 (ISSN: 1551-6857)

  6. L. Fotio Tiotsop, F. Agboma, G. Van Wallendael, A. Aldahdooh, S. Bosse, L. Janowski, M. Barkowsky, E. Masala,
    On the Link Between Subjective Score Prediction and Disagreement of Video Quality Metrics,
    IEEE Access, vol. 9, Nov 2021, pp. 152923-152937, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3127395 (ISSN: 2169-3536)

  7. L. Fotio Tiotsop, T. Mizdos, M. Uhrina, M. Barkowsky, P. Pocta, E. Masala,
    Modeling and estimating the subjects’ diversity of opinions in video quality assessment: a neural network based approach,,
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), vol. 80, Sep 2020, p. 1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-09704-w  (ISSN: 1380-7501)

  8. G. Karam Illahi, T. Van Gemert, M. Siekkinen, E. Masala, A. Oulasvirta, A. Ylä-Jääski,
    Cloud Gaming with Foveated Video Encoding,
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), vol. 16, no. 1, Feb 2020, article n. 7, pp. 1–24. DOI: 10.1145/3369110 (ISSN: 1551-6857)

  9. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, E. Masala,
    An integer linear programming model for efficient scheduling of UGV tasks in precision agriculture under human supervision,
    Computers & Operations Research, vol. 114, Feb 2020, Article 104826, DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2019.104826 (ISSN: 0305-0548)

  10. A. Aldahdooh, E. Masala, O. Janssens, G. Van Wallendael, M. Barkowsky, P. Le Callet,
    Improved Performance Measures for Video Quality Assessment Algorithms Using Training and Validation Sets,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 21, no. 8, Aug 2019, pp. 2026-2014, DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2018.2882091 (ISSN: 1520-9210)

  11. A. Aldahdooh, E. Masala, G. Van Wallendael, P. Lambert, M. Barkowsky,
    Improving relevant subjective testing for validation: Comparing machine learning algorithms for finding similarities in VQA datasets using objective measures,
    Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 74, May 2019, pp. 32-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.image.2019.01.004 (ISSN: 0923-5965)

  12. M. Siekkinen, T. Kämäräinen, L. Favario, E. Masala,
    Can You See What I See? Quality of Experience Measurements of Mobile Live Video Broadcasting, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), vol. 14, issue 2s, May 2018, Article no. 34, DOI: 10.1145/3165279 (ISSN: 1551-6857)

  13. A. Aldahdooh, E. Masala, G. Van Wallendael, M. Barkowsky,
    Reproducible research framework for objective video quality measures using a large-scale database approach,
    SoftwareX, vol. 8, pp. 64-68, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2017.09.004 (ISSN: 2352-7110)

  14. A. Aldahdooh, E. Masala, G. Van Wallendael, M. Barkowsky,
    Framework for reproducible objective video quality research with case study on PSNR implementations,
    Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier), vol. 77, pp. 195-206, Jun 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2017.09.013 (ISSN: 1051-2004)

  15. M. Masera, L. Re Fiorentin, E. Masala, G. Masera, M. Martina,
    Analysis of HEVC transform throughput requirements for hardware implementations,
    Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 57, pp. 173-182, Sep 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.image.2017.06.001 (ISSN: 0923-5965)

  16. L. Favario, E. Masala,
    A new architecture for cross-repository creation and sharing of educational resources,
    International Journal on Emerging Technologies in Learning, vol. 12, n. 2, 25 pages, 2017, DOI: 10.3991/ijet.v12i02.6058 (ISSN: 1868-8799)

  17. M. Siekkinen, E. Masala, J. K. Nurminen,
    Optimized Upload Strategies for Live Scalable Video Transmission from Mobile Devices,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 16, n. 4, pp. 1059-1072, Apr 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2016.2585138 (ISSN: 1536-1233)

  18. T. Cerquitelli, A. Servetti, E. Masala,
    Discovering users with similar internet access performance through cluster analysis,
    Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 64, Dec 2016, pp. 536-548, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.08.025 (ISSN: 0957-4174)

  19. E. Masala, F. De Vito, J.C. De Martin,
    On the Effects of Sender-Receiver Concealment Mismatch on Multimedia Communication Optimization,
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), vol. 74, n. 9, May 2015, pp. 2879-2898, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-013-1751-y (ISSN: 1380-7501) (published online since Nov 2013)

  20. M. Barkowsky, E. Masala, G. Van Wallendael, K. Brunnstrom, N. Staelens, P. Le Callet,
    Objective Video Quality Assessment - Towards large scale video database enhanced model development, (invited paper),
    IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E98-B, n. 1, pp. 2-11, Jan 2015, DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E98.B.2 (ISSN: 0916-8516)

  21. X. Ou, E. Masala, L. Qing, X. He,
    High-Quality Symmetric Wyner–Ziv Coding Scheme for Low-Motion Videos,
    SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 23, n. 6, Nov 2014, DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.23.6.061112 (ISSN: 1017-9909)

  22. E. Masala, A. Servetti, A.R. Meo,
    Low-Cost 3D Supported Interactive Control,
    IEEE IT Professional, Sep-Oct 2014, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 34-40, DOI: 10.1109/MITP.2013.87 (ISSN: 1520-9202)

  23. E. Masala, Y. Yu, X. He,
    Content-Based Group-Of-Picture Size Control in Distributed Video Coding,
    Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 29, n. 3, Mar 2014, pp. 332-344, DOI: 10.1016/j.image.2014.01.013 (ISSN: 0923-5965)

  24. S. Basso, M. Meo, J.C. De Martin,
    Strengthening Measurements from the Edges: Application-Level Packet Loss Rate Estimation,
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 43, n. 3, July 2013, DOI: 10.1145/2500098.2500104 (ISSN: 0146-4833)

  25. L. Qing, E. Masala, X. He,
    Practical Distributed Video Coding in Packet Lossy Channels,
    SPIE Optical Engineering,vol. 52, n. 7, July 2013, DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.52.7.071506 (ISSN: 0091-3286)

  26. D. Angeli, E. Masala,
    A cost-effective cloud computing framework for accelerating multimedia communication simulations,
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 72, n. 10, Oct. 2012, pp. 1373-1385, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.06.005 (ISSN: 0743-7315) [Hottest article in JPDC (Oct-Dec 12)] [Third place in audioslides competition Oct 2013] Audioslides click here

  27. J.K.K. Loo, Z. Xue, E. Masala, A.P.Y. Yip, D. Singh,
    Distributed multiview video coding with 3D-DCT transform domain Wyner-Ziv codec,
    International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security (IJMIS), vol. 2, n. 1, 2011, pp. 54-74, DOI: 10.1504/IJMIS.2011.040929 (ISSN: 2042-3462)

  28. F.Y. Li, P. Bucciol, L. Vandoni, N. Fragoulis, S. Zanoli, L. Leschiutta, O. Lazaro,
    Broadband Internet Access via Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks: Design, Protocol and Experiments,
    Springer Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 58, n. 4, Jun 2011, pp. 807-829, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-009-9907-9 (ISSN: 0929-6212)

  29. P. Di Nunzio, F. Di Gregorio, G. Rizzo, A. Servetti,
    Reliable SPARQL queries with consistent results over P2P-shared RDF storage,
    International Journal of Web Applications, vol. 2, n. 3, Sep 2010, pp. 151-163 (ISSN: 0974-7710)

  30. A. Fiandrotti, D. Gallucci, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin,
    Content-Adaptive Traffic Prioritization of Spatio-Temporal Scalable Video for Robust Communications over QoS-Provisioned 802.11e Networks,
    Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 25, n. 6, Jul 2010, pp. 438-449, DOI: 10.1016/j.image.2010.04.006 (ISSN: 0923-5965)

  31. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, R. Merletti, D. Farina,
    Compression of Multidimensional Biomedical Signals With Spatial and Temporal Codebook-Excited Linear Prediction,
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 56, n. 11, Nov 2009, pp. 2604-2610 DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2009.2027691 (ISSN: 0018-9294)

  32. E. Masala, A. Vesco, M. Baldi, J.C. De Martin, Optimized H.264 Video Encoding and Packetization for Video Transmission Over Pipeline Forwarding Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 11, n. 5, Aug 2009, pp. 972-985, DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2009.2021784 (ISSN: 1520-9210)

  33. E. Masala, D. Quaglia, J.C. De Martin,
    Variable Time Scale Multimedia Streaming Over IP Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 10, n. 8, Dec 2008, pp. 1657-1670 DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2008.2007284 (ISSN: 1520-9210)

  34. M. Baldi, J.C. De Martin, E. Masala, A. Vesco,
    Quality-Oriented Video Transmission With Pipeline Forwarding,
    IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 54, n. 3 (part 2), Sep 2008, pp. 542-556, DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2008.2000553 (ISSN: 0018-9316)

  35. P. Frossard, J.C. De Martin, M.R. Civanlar,
    Media Streaming With Network Diversity,
    Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 96, n. 1, Jan 2008, pp. 39-53, DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2007.909876 (ISSN: 0018-9219)

  36. P. Bucciol, E. Masala, E. Filippi, J.C. De Martin,
    Cross-layer Perceptual ARQ for Video Communications over 802.11e Wireless Networks,
    Journal of Advances in Multimedia, vol. 2007, ArticleID 13969, 2007, 12 pp., DOI: 10.1155/2007/13969 (ISSN: 1687-5680)

  37. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, R. Merletti, D. Farina,
    Compression of surface EMG signals with Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction,
    Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 29, n. 2, Mar 2007, pp. 253–258, DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2006.03.004 (ISSN: 1350-4533)

  38. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin, G. Urlini, A.L. Vitali,
    Adaptive Playout Scheduling with Audio Time-Scaling for the Nomadik Multimedia Processor,
    ST Journal of Research, Agrate Brianza, MI, Italy, Dec 2006, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 111-120 (ISSN: 1828-2105)

  39. P. Bucciol, J.C. De Martin, E. Masala, A.R. Meo,
    WiFi-Based Intervehicle Communications,
    Acta of the Science Academy of Turin, vol. 140, Dec 2006, pp. 47-55, Turin, Italy. ISSN: 0001-4419

  40. B. Montrucchio, D. Quaglia,
    New Sorting-Based Lossless Motion Estimation Algorithms and a Partial Distortion Elimination Performance Analysis,
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, Feb 2005, pp. 210-220, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2004.841689 (ISSN: 1051-8215)

  41. D.J. Miller, E.S.G. Carotti, Y-W. Wang, J.C. De Martin,
    Joint Source-channel Decoding of Predictively and Nonpredictively Encoded Sources: A Two-stage Estimation Approach,
    IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol 52, n. 9, Sep 2004, pp. 1575-1584, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2004.833064 (ISSN: 0090-6778)

  42. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin,
    Perception-Based Partial Encryption of Compressed Speech,
    IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 10, n. 8, Nov. 2002, pp. 637-643, DOI: 10.1109/TSA.2002.804300 (ISSN: 1063-6676)

  43. A. Barberis, C. Casetti, J.C. De Martin, M. Meo,
    A Simulation Study of Adaptive Voice Communications for IP Networks,
    Computer Communications, Elsevier, vol. 24, n. 9, May 2001, pp. 757-767, DOI: 10.1016/S0140-3664(00)00349-2 (ISSN: 0140-3664)

Book Chapters

  1. E.S.G. Carotti, E. Masala Driving Event Detection by Low-Complexity Analysis of Video-Encoding Features chapter (15) in book: “Smart Mobile In-Vehicle Systems: Next Generation Advancements” (Gerhard Schmidt, Huseyin Abut, Kazuya Takeda and John H.L. Hansen, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 2014, pp. 257-270, ISBN 9781461491194

  2. A. Servetti, P. Bucciol, J.C. De Martin Vehicular Communications chapter (38) in book: “Mobile Communications Handbook”, Third Edition (Jerry D. Gibson, ed.), CRC Press, Aug 2012, pp. 729-746, ISBN 9781439817230

  3. J.C. De Martin Internet e Cultura in “Terza cultura. Idee per un futuro sostenibile” (V. Lingiardi, N. Vassallo, eds., in Italian), Il Saggiatore (ITA), 2011, pp. 92-93, ISBN: 9788842816966

  4. J.C. De Martin, A. Glorioso The SeLiLi Project: Free Advice on Free Licenses in “Intelligent Multimedia - Managing Creative Works in a Digital World” (Bourcier D., Casanovas P., Dulong de Rosnay M., Maracke C., eds.), European Press Academic Publishing (ITA), 2010, pp. 223-238, ISBN: 9788883980633

  5. P. Bucciol, F.Y. Li, N. Fragoulis and J.C. De Martin Hierarchical and QoS-aware routing in multi-hop wireless mesh networks in “Guide to Wireless Mesh Networks”, Springer, London, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84800-908-0

  6. E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Perceptually-Optimized Packet Scheduling for Robust Real-Time Intervehicle Video Communications chapter (7) in book: “In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior” (Huseyin Abut, Hakan Erdogan, John H.L. Hansen, Kazuya Takeda, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, Dec. 2008, pp. 83-96, ISBN 9780387795812.

  7. E. Masala Open Source: Streaming ed Edit List per l’accesso diretto e la ricombinazione chapter (4.2) in book: “Interfacce della memoria” (Mario Ricciardi, eds., in Italian), ScriptaWeb, Napoli, Italy, Sept 2008, pp. 95-104, ISBN: 9788863810066.

  8. A. Servetti, E. Masala, P. Bucciol, J.C. De Martin Variable Time-Scale Multimedia Streaming over 802.11 Inter-Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks chapter (5) in book: “Advances for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems – Challenges for International Standards” (Huseyin Abut, John H.L. Hansen, Kazuya Takeda, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, April 2007, pp. 47-57, ISBN: 9780387335032

  9. J.C. De Martin, A. Glorioso On the Digital Public Domain in: “Open Knowledge and the Cooperative Approach to the Production of Research and Innovation”, (Chiara Franzoni, Cristina Rossi, eds.), Franco Angeli (ITA), 2007, pp. 51-72, ISBN: 9788846491244

  10. E. Masala, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Multimedia Communications over Wireless Mesh Networks chapter (10) in “Wireless Mesh Networking: Architectures, Protocols and Standards” (Y. Zhang, J. Luo, H. Hu, eds.), Auerbach Publications - CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2006, pp. 329-360, ISBN: 0849373999

  11. J.C. De Martin Un “servizio” tecnologico tra presente e futuro in “Nuove tecnologie e processo penale”, (M. Chiavario, ed., in Italian), G. Giappichelli Torino, Italy, 2006, pp. 94-101.

  12. T. Ozcelebi, F. De Vito, M. Tekalp, R. Civanlar, O. Sunay, J.C. De Martin Optimal Cross-Layer Scheduling with Content and Packet Priorities for Optimal Video Streaming over 1xEV-DO (L. Atzori et al., eds.), VLBV 2005, LNCS 3893, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 76-83.

  13. F. De Vito, T. Ozcelebi, R. Civanlar, M. Tekalp, J.C. De Martin Per-GOP Bitrate Adaptation for H.264 Compressed Video Sequences (L. Atzori et al., eds.), VLBV 2005, LNCS 3893, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 198-206.

  14. E. Masala and C.F. Chiasserini and M. Meo and J.C. De Martin Real-Time Transmission of H.264 Video Over 802.11-Based Wireless Ad Hoc Networks chapter (13) in “DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems” (H. Abut, J.H.L. Hansen, K. Takeda, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 2004, pp. 193-207, ISBN: 0387229787

  15. A. Servetti and J.C. De Martin Link-Adaptive Variable Bit-Rate Speech Transmission over 802.11 Wireless LANs chapter (15) in “DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems” (H. Abut, J.H.L. Hansen, K. Takeda, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 2004, pp. 219-235, ISBN: 0387229787

  16. E. Biglieri, J.C. De Martin 8 kbit/s LD-CELP Coding for Mobile Radio chapter (58) in “Speech Recognition and Coding — New Advances and Trends”, Springer–Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 1995.

International Conferences

  1. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, E. Masala, A Scoring Model Considering the Variability of Subjects’ Characteristics in Subjective Experiment, Proc. 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Ghent, Belgium, Jun 2023, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/QoMEX58391.2023.10178476

  2. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, M. Barkowsky, E. Masala, Regularized Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Subjective Quality from Noisy Individual Ratings, Proc. 14th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Lippstadt, Germany, Sep 2022, pp. 1-3, DOI: 10.1109/QoMEX55416.2022.9900903

  3. L. Fotio Tiotsop, T. Mizdos, E. Masala, M. Barkowsky, P. Pocta, How to Train No Reference Video Quality Measures for New Coding Standards using Existing Annotated Datasets?, Proc. of IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Tampere, Finland, Oct 2021, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/MMSP53017.2021.9733456

  4. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, E. Masala, Investigating Prediction Accuracy of Full Reference Objective Video Quality Measures through the ITS4S Dataset, Proc. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI) 2020, Burlingame, CA, USA, Jan 2020, DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.11.HVEI-093

  5. L. Fotio Tiotsop, T. Mizdos, M. Uhrina, P. Pocta, M. Barkowsky, E. Masala, Predicting Single Observer’s Votes from Objective Measures using Neural Networks, Proc. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI) 2020, Burlingame, CA, USA, Jan 2020, DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.11.HVEI-130

  6. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, E. Masala, Full Reference Video Quality Measures Improvement using Neural Networks, Proc. of IEEE 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, May 2020, pp. 2737-2741, DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053739

  7. L. Fotio Tiotsop, A. Servetti, E. Masala, Optimally Scheduling Complex Logistics Operations Involving Acquisition, Elaboration and Action Tasks, Proc. of IEEE 5th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI), Set 2019, pp. 149-154, Florence, Italy, DOI: 10.1109/RTSI.2019.8895543

  8. L. Fotio Tiotsop, E. Masala, A. Aldahdooh, G. Van Wallendael, M. Barkowsky, Computing Quality-of-Experience Ranges for Video Quality Estimation, Proc. 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Berlin, Germany, Jun 2019, pp. 1-3, DOI: 10.1109/QoMEX.2019.8743303

  9. G. Illahi, M. Siekkinen, E. Masala, Foveated Video Streaming for Cloud Gaming, IEEE 19th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Luton, UK, Oct 2017, DOI: 10.1109/MMSP.2017.8122235

  10. E. Fadda, L. Fotio Tiotsop, G. Perboli, R. Tadei, The Multi-Path Traveling Salesman Problem with Dependent Random Cost Oscillations Odyessus conference, Cagliari, Italy, Jun 2018, pp. 368-371

  11. A. Aldahdooh, E. Masala, G. Van Wallendael, M. Barkowsky, Comparing temporal behavior of fast objective video quality measures on a large-scale database 32nd Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), Nuremberg, Germany, Dec 2016, DOI: 10.1109/PCS.2016.7906365

  12. M. Siekkinen, E. Masala, T. Kämäräinen, A First Look at Quality of Mobile Live Streaming Experience: the Case of Periscope ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Santa Monica, CA, USA, pp. 477-483, Nov 2016, DOI: 10.1145/2987443.2987472 (paper available at

  13. L. Favario, M. Siekkinen, E. Masala, Mobile Live Streaming: Insights from the Periscope Service IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Montreal, Canada, Sep 2016, DOI: 10.1109/MMSP.2016.7813395

  14. A. Aldahdooh, E. Masala, O. Janssens, G. Van Wallendael, M. Barkowsky, Comparing simple video quality measures for loss-impaired video sequences on a large-scale database Eighth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Lisbon, Portugal, Jun 2016, DOI: 10.1109/QoMEX.2016.7498941

  15. L. Favario, E. Masala, Work-in-Progress: Integrating a Remote Laboratory System in an Online Learning Environment, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Apr 2016, DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON.2016.7474672

  16. L. Favario, A.R. Meo, E. Masala, Seamless Cross-Platform Integration of Educational Resources for Improved Learning Experiences, IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2015, El Paso, Texas, Oct 2015, DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2015.7344387

  17. M. Masera, L. Re Fiorentin, M. Martina, G. Masera, E. Masala, Optimizing the transform complexity-quality tradeoff for hardware-accelerated HEVC video coding Intl. Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), Krakow, Poland, Sep 2015, DOI: 10.1109/DASIP.2015.7367269

  18. L. Favario, A.R. Meo, E. Masala, A New Platform for Cross-Repository Creation of Educational Paths: Architecture and a Case Study, IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) 2015, Taichung, Taiwan, July 2015, vol. 2, p. 880. DOI: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2015.102

  19. M. Siekkinen, A. Barraja, J. K. Nurminen, E. Masala, Exploring the Delay versus Quality Tradeoff in Real-Time Streaming of Scalable Video from Mobile Devices, IEEE Intl. Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Computing (MMC), Torino, Italy, Jun-Jul 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICMEW.2015.7169841

  20. L. Favario, E. Masala, A new quality optimization framework for DASH streaming over wireless channels, IEEE Intl. Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Torino, Italy, Jun-Jul 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICME.2015.7177479

  21. A. Vesco, R. Scopigno, E. Masala, TDuCSMA: Efficient Support for Triple-Play Services in Wireless Home Networks, IEEE Intl. Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, Jun 2015, pp. 6941-6947. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2015.7249432

  22. G. Van Wallendael, N. Staelens, E. Masala, M. Barkowsky, Full-HD HEVC-Encoded Video Quality Assessment Database, 9th Intl. Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics (VPQM), Feb 2015.

  23. A. Vesco, R. Scopigno, E. Masala, Supporting Triple-Play Communications with TDuCSMA and First Experiments IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, Apr 2014, pp. 3260-3265 DOI: 10.1109/WCNC.2014.6953068

  24. S. Basso, A. Servetti, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin, Measuring DASH streaming performance from the end users perspective using Neubot 5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, Singapore, Mar 2014, DOI: 10.1145/2557642.2563671

  25. R. Wang, Y. Li, E. Masala, Low-Complexity Driving Event Detection from Side Information of a 3D Video Encoder IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Pula, Italy, Sep-Oct 2013, pp. 165-170. DOI: 10.1109/MMSP.2013.6659282

  26. E. Masala, Sensor-Based Real-Time Adaptation of 3D Video Encoding Quality for Remote Control Applications IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Pula, Italy, Sep-Oct 2013, pp. 117-122. DOI: 10.1109/MMSP.2013.6659274

  27. E. Masala, A. Servetti, S. Basso, J.C. De Martin, Challenges and Issues on Collecting and Analyzing Large Volumes of Network Data Measurements ADBIS Special session on Big Data: New Trends and Applications (BiDaTA 2013), Selected papers in “New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”,  Volume 241, Springer, 2014, pp. 203-212. DOI:  10.1007/978-3-319-01863-8_23

  28. E. Masala, A. Servetti, Performance vs Quality of Experience in a remote control application based on real-time 3D video feedback Proc. Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2013, pp. 28-29. DOI: 10.1109/QoMEX.2013.6603198

  29. A. Servetti, E. Masala, Smartphone-based 3D real-time vision system for teleoperation Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICMEW), San Jose, CA, USA, July 2013, pp. 1-2. DOI: 10.1109/ICMEW.2013.6618217

  30. A. Vesco, E. Masala, R. Scopigno, Efficient Support for Video Communications in Wireless Home Networks Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), San Diego, USA, January 2013, pp. 599-604. DOI: 10.1109/ICCNC.2013.6504154

  31. E. Masala, Moving Multimedia Simulations into the Cloud: a Cost-Effective Solution Proc. 10th IEEE Intl. Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), Leganes, Spain, July 2012, pp. 32-39. DOI: 10.1109/ISPA.2012.13

  32. E.S.G. Carotti, E. Masala, Low-Complexity Driving Event Detection by Analysis of Video Encoding Side-Information Proc. Intl. Digital Signal Processing Workshop for In-Vehicle Systems, Kiel, Germany, September 2011.

  33. S. Basso, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin, The network neutrality bot architecture: a preliminary approach for self-monitoring of Internet access QoS Proc. of IEEE 16th International Symposium on Computers and Communications, Corfu, Greece, July 2011 [Best Student Paper Award]

  34. F. Tomassetti, G. Rizzo, A. Vetro’, L. Ardito, M. Torchiano, M. Morisio, Linked Data approach for selection process automation in Systematic Reviews Proc. of the Evaluation and assessment in software engineering (EASE ‘11), Durham, United Kingdom, April 2011.

  35. J.L. Zechinelli-Martini, P. Bucciol, G. Vargas-Solar Energy aware data aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Proc. Wireless Vitae 2011, Chennai, India, March 2011.

  36. E. Masala Rate-Distortion Optimized Low-Delay 3D Video Communications Proc. of IEEE Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), October 2010, St. Malo, France, pp. 81-86. DOI: 10.1109/MMSP.2010.5661998

  37. G. Rizzo, B. Meirone, P. Di Nunzio, F. Di Gregorio Distributed Semantic Video Tagging For Peer-to-Peer Authoring System Proc. of the 21st Intl. Workshop on Database and Expert Systems applications (DEXA ‘10), Bilbao, Spain, August 2010, DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2010.51

  38. D. Bardone, E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin Source Geography Estimation for Web Pages Proc. of the 9th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2009, Ajman, United Arab Emirates. 14-17 December 2009.

  39. A. Vesco, E. Masala, C. Novara Distortion Prediction for Video Quality Optimization over Packet Switched Networks Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, 30 Nov-4 Dec 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2009.5425223

  40. D. Bardone, E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin Estimation of Web Contents Geographic Provenience Exploiting Creative Commons Licensed Pages for Training Set Aggregation Free Culture Research Workshop ‘09, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 23 October 2009.

  41. V. Cuevas-Vicenttin, G. Vargas-Solar, C. Collet, P. Bucciol Service Coordination for Querying Data Services in Dynamic Environments Proc. of 10th Mexican Conf. on Computer Science, Mexico City, Mexico, 21-25 September 2009

  42. P. Bucciol, G. Vargas-Solar, J.L. Zechinelli-Martini Optimized Transmission of Loss Tolerant Information Streams for Real-Time V2V Communications Proc. of 10th Mexican Conf. on Computer Science, Mexico City, Mexico, 21-25 September 2009

  43. M. Petracca, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Text-independent Compressed Domain Speaker Verification for Digital Communication Networks Call Monitoring Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) New York, USA, July 2009

  44. M. Petracca, G. Litovsky, M. Tacca, J.C. De Martin, A. Fumagalli Low-complexity Perceptual Packet Marking for Speech Transmission over Tiny Mote Device Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) New York, USA, July 2009

  45. M. Petracca, G. Litovsky, A. Rinotti, M. Tacca, J.C. De Martin, A. Fumagalli Perceptual based Voice Multi-Hop Transmission over Wireless Sensor Networks Proc. of IEEE Fourth Workshop on multiMedia Applications over Wireless Networks (MediaWiN), Sousse, Tunisia, July 2009

  46. G. Rizzo, F. Di Gregorio, P. Di Nunzio, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin A Peer-to-Peer Architecture For Distributed And Reliable RDF Storage Proc. of the 1st Intl. Conf. on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT), Ostrava, Czech Republic, July 2009, DOI: 10.1109/NDT.2009.5272090

  47. M. Pasin, M. Petracca, P. Bucciol, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Error Resilient Real-Time Multimedia Streaming over Vehicular Networks Proc. of DSP Workshop for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety, Dallas, TX, 2009

  48. A. Fiandrotti, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Rate-Distortion Optimized H.264/MVC Video Communications over QoS-Enabled Networks Proc. of the 3DTV Conf. 2009, May 2009, Potsdam, Germany, DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2009.5069632

  49. D. Gallucci, A. Fiandrotti, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Content-Adaptive Robust H.264/SVC Video Communications over 802.11e Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-09), Bradford, UK, May 2009, pp. 189-196.

  50. A. Fiandrotti, D. Gallucci, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin High-Performance H.264/SVC Video Communications in 802.11e Ad Hoc Networks Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet, LNCS 5464 (revised selected papers), First Euro-NF Workshop, FITraMEn 2008, Porto, Portugal, December 11-12, 2008, pp. 200-210.

  51. D. Bardone, E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin Adaptive Golomb Codes For Level Binarization In The H.264/AVC FRExt Lossless Mode Proc. of the 8th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2008, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. 15-19 December 2008.

  52. A. Fiandrotti, D. Gallucci, E. Masala, E. Magli Traffic Prioritization of H.264/SVC Video over 802.11e Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Proc. of the IEEE ICCCN 2008 17th Intl. Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA, Aug 3-8, 2008, pp. 738-742.

  53. D. Bardone, E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin Geospatial Context Extraction For Creative Commons Licensed Digital Contents Proc. of the First Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on Free Culture, iCommons iSummit ‘08. Sapporo, Japan. 29 July - 1 August 2008.

  54. E. Masala Application-Aware Optimization of Packet Scheduling for Video Communications over Intervehicle Ad Hoc Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Hannover, Germany, June 2008, vol. 1, pp. 509-512.

  55. P. Bucciol, F. Ridolfo, J.C. De Martin Multicast Voice Transmission over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Issues and Challenges Proc. of 7th IARIA Intl. Conf. on Networking (ICN), Cancun, 13-18 April 2008

  56. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, R. Merletti, D. Farina Matrix-based linear predictive compression of multi-channel surface EMG signals Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Las Vegas, NV, USA. March 31-April 4 2008, pp. 493-496.

  57. L. Vandoni, L. Leschiutta, F. Y. Li, P. Bucciol, N. Fragoulis, O. Lazaro A Cost Effective Solution for Broadband Internet Access in Rural and Mountainous Regions BroadBand Europe 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, 2007.

  58. F. Li, L. Vandoni, S. Zanoli, L. Leschiutta, P. Bucciol, N. Fragoulis, O. Lazaro Deploying and Experimenting Wireless Ad Hoc Networks in Mountainous Regions for Broadband Access BroadBand Europe 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, 2007.

  59. P. Bucciol, F. Li, N. Fragoulis, L. Vandoni ADHOCSYS: Robust and Service-Oriented Wireless Mesh Network to Bridge the Digital Divide Proc. of 1st IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks (WM&SN’s), Washington D.C., USA, November 2007.

  60. E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Distortion-Optimized Retransmission for Low-Delay Robust Video Communications Over 802.11 Intervehicle Ad Hoc Networks Proc. of The Fourth ACM Intl. Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET), Montreal, Canada, September 2007, pp. 69-70.

  61. P. Bucciol, L. Leschiutta, N. Fragoulis, F. Li, G. Zicca, L. Vandoni Providing Reliability and QoS in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks: The ADHOCSYS Approach Proc. of 3rd Intl. Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (Mobimedia), 2007, Nafpaktos, Greece.

  62. P. Bucciol, J.C. De Martin, F. Ridolfo Reliable Audio Communication in Multicast 802.11 Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks for Safety Applications Proc. of 1st Workshop on Wireless Networking on Intelligent Transportation Systems (WiN-ITS), Vancouver, Canada, 14 August 2007.

  63. E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Perceptually-Optimized Packet Scheduling for Real-Time 802.11 Video Communications Between Vehicles Proc. of Biennial on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2007.

  64. P. Angkititrakul, M. Petracca, A. Sathyanarayana, J.H.L. Hansen UTDrive: Driver Behavior and Speech Interactive Systems for In-Vehicle Environments Proc. of Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2007.

  65. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, R. Merletti, D. Farina ACELP-Based Compression of Multi-Channel Surface EMG Signals Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu, HI (USA), 15-20 April 2007, vol. 2, pp. 361-364.

  66. M. Baldi, J.C. De Martin, E. Masala, A. Vesco Distortion-Aware Video Communication with Pipeline Forwarding Proc. of ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, October 2006, pp. 117-120.

  67. M. Petracca, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Optimal Selection of Bitstream Features for Compressed-Domain Automatic Speaker Recognition Proc. of 14th European Signal Processing Conference, Florence, Italy, September 2006.

  68. D. Melpignano, G. Convertino, A. Vitali, P. Bucciol, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Performance Optimization for Multimedia Transmission in Wireless Home Networks Proc. of 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Florence, Italy, September 2006.

  69. L. Leschiutta Video Coding Based on Low Level Spatial Description of the Frames Sequence and on Human Visual System Perceptual Characteristics Proc. of IEEE 10th Intl. Conf. on Information Visualization, London, United Kingdom, July 2006, pp. 663-641.

  70. M. Petracca, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Performance Analysis of Compressed-Domain Automatic Speaker Recognition as a Function of Speech Coding Technique and Bit Rate Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Toronto, Canada, July 2006, pp. 1393-1396.

  71. M. Petracca, F. De Vito, J.C. De Martin Rate Adaptation for Buffer Underflow Avoidance in Multimedia Signal Streaming Proc. of 1st Multimedia Communications Workshop (MULTICOMM), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006, vol. 1, pp. 25-30.

  72. A. Fiandrotti, P. Di Nunzio, F. Di Gregorio, A.R. Meo A graphical installation system for the GNU/Linux Debian distribution Proc. of 2nd Intl. Conf. on Open Source Systems, Como, Italy, Jun 2006, pp. 337-338.

  73. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, D. Farina, R. Merletti Compression of Surface EMG Signals with Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, 14-19 May 2006, vol. 3, pp. 1148-1151.

  74. T. Ozcelebi, F. De Vito, M. Tekalp, R. Civanlar, O. Sunay, J.C. De Martin An Analysis of Constant Bitrate and Constant PSNR Encoding for Wireless Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006, vol. 11, pp. 5301-5306.

  75. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin Motion-Compensated Lossless Video Coding in the CALIC Framework Proc. of the 5th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Athens, Greece, December 2005, pp. 600-605.

  76. F. De Vito, J.C. De Martin PSNR Control for GOP-level Constant Quality in H.264 Video Coding Proc. of 5th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Athens, Greece, December 2005, vol. 1, pp. 612-617.

  77. F. De Vito, F. Ridolfo, J.C. De Martin Hybrid Bitrate/PSNR Control for H.264 Video Streaming to Roaming Users Proc. of 7th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Irvine, CA, USA, December 2005, vol. 1, pp. 7-14.

  78. F. De Vito, E. Yilmaz, M. Tekalp, J.C. De Martin Adaptive per-GOP Bandwidth allocation for H.264 Video Transmission over Differentiated Services Networks Proc. of IEEE Region 8 Intl. Conf. on Computer as a tool (EUROCON), Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, November 2005, vol. 1, pp. 664-667.

  79. E. S. G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin Lossless Video Coding Using Multi-Frame Motion Compensation Proc. of 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Antalya, Turkey, September 2005.

  80. E. Masala, D. Quaglia, J.C. De Martin Variable Time-Scale Streaming for Multimedia Transmission over IP Networks Proc. of 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Antalya, Turkey, September 2005.

  81. E. Masala, D. Quaglia Perceptually Optimized MPEG Compression of Synthetic Video Sequences Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Genova, Italy, September 2005, vol. 1, pp. 601-604.

  82. P. Bucciol, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Adaptive H.264 Video Transmission over 802.11 Inter-Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Proc. of Workshop on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, Sesimbra, Portugal, September 2005.

  83. A. Servetti and J.C. De Martin Variable Time-Scale Audio Streaming over 802.11 Inter-Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Proc. of Workshop on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, Sesimbra, Portugal, September 2005.

  84. F. De Vito, J.C. De Martin On the Effects of Encoder-decoder Concealment Mismatch on Video Distortion Estimation Proceeding of EURASIP 2005 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Antalya, Turkey, September 2005.

  85. F. De Vito, T. Ozcelebi, R. Civanlar, M. Tekalp, J.C. De Martin Rate Control for GOP-level Rate Adaptation in H.264 Video Coding Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video (VLBV), Costa Rei, Italy, September 2005.

  86. T. Ozcelebi, F. De Vito, M. Tekalp, R. Civanlar, O. Sunay, J.C. De Martin Optimal Cross-Layer Scheduling for Video Streaming over 1xEV-DO Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video (VLBV), Costa Rei, Italy, September 2005.

  87. P. Bucciol, E. Masala, N. Kawaguchi, K. Takeda, J.C. De Martin Performance Evaluation of H.264 Video Streaming over Inter-Vehicular 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks Proc. of 16th Annual IEEE Intl. Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Berlin, Germany, September 2005, vol. 3, pp. 1936-1940.

  88. E. Masala, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Standard Compatible Error Correction for Multimedia Transmissions over 802.11 WLAN Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jul 2005, pp. 880-883.

  89. M. Petracca, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Low-Complexity Automatic Speaker Recognition in the Compressed GSM-AMR Domain Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jul 2005, pp. 662-665. [Best Student Paper Award]

  90. P. Bucciol, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Dynamic Packet Size Selection for 802.11 Inter-Vehicular Video Communications Proc. of Vehicle to Vehicle Communications Workshop (V2VCOM), San Diego, CA, USA, Jul 2005, pp. 365-372.

  91. F. De Vito, T. Ozcelebi, M. Tekalp, R. Civanlar, O. Sunay, J.C. De Martin Multiple-Objective Cross-Layer Optimized Content-Adaptive Scheduling for Video Streaming over 1xEV-DO Proc. of IEEE Intl. Symposium on Multimedia over Wireless (WirelessCom), Maui, HI, USA, June 2005, vol. 1, pp. 1516-1521.

  92. A. Mancuso, E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, A.R. Meo Design and Implementation of a Layer-7 MPLS-based Web Switching Architecture Proc. of 9th IEEE Intl. Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Nice-Acropolis, Nice, France, 15-19 May 2005.

  93. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Error Tolerant MAC Extension for Speech Communications over 802.11 WLANs Proc. of IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005, vol. 4, pp. 2330-2334.

  94. E. Masala, M. Bottero, J.C. De Martin MAC-Level Partial Checksum for H.264 Video Transmission over 802.11 Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Proc. of IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005, vol. 5, pp. 2864-2868.

  95. P. Demichelis, A. Rinotti, J.C. De Martin Performance Analysis of Distributed Speech Recognition Over 802.11 Wireless Networks on the TIMIT Database Proc. of IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005, vol. 5, pp. 2751-2754.

  96. L. Leschiutta Perceptually Optimal Image Coding Based on Human Visual System Characteristics and Uniform Color Space Proc. of CIE Midterm Meeting and Intl. Lighting Congress, Leon, Spain, May 2005, pp. 78-88.

  97. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, D. Farina, R. Merletti Linear Predictive Coding of Myoelectric Signals Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 18-23 March 2005, vol. 5, pp. 629-632.

  98. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin 802.11 MAC Protocol with Selective Error Detection for Speech Transmission Proc. of IEEE 3rd Intl. Workshop on QoS in Multiservice IP Networks (QoSIP), Catania, Italy, February 2005.

  99. E. Masala, M. Bottero, J.C. De Martin Link-Level Partial Checksum for Real-Time Video Transmission over 802.11 Wireless Networks Proc. of 14th Intl. Packet Video Workshop (PVW), Irvine, CA, USA, December 2004.

  100. P. Bucciol, G. Davini, E. Masala, E. Filippi, J.C. De Martin, Cross-Layer Perceptual ARQ for H.264 Video Streaming over 802.11 Wireless Networks, Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Dallas, TX, USA, November-December 2004, vol. 5, pp. 3027-3031.

  101. J.D. Gibson, A. Servetti, H. Dong, A. Gersho, T. Lookabaugh, J.C. De Martin Selective Encryption and Scalable Speech Coding for Voice Communications over Multi-hop Wireless Links Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Monterey, California, USA, November 2004, vol. 2, pp. 792-798.

  102. D. Quaglia, A. Gattuso Model-Based MPEG Compression of Synthetic Video Sequences Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Singapore, October 2004, pp. 1109-1112.

  103. P. Bucciol, G. Davini, E. Masala, E. Filippi, J.C. De Martin Application-level Perceptual ARQ for H.264 Video Streaming over 802.11 Wireless LAN’s Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Abano Terme, Italy, September 2004, vol. 1, pp.132-136.

  104. F. De Vito, D. Quaglia, J.C.De Martin Model-based Distortion Estimation for Perceptual Classification of Video Packets Proc. of IEEE Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Siena, Italy, September 2004, vol. 1, pp. 79-82.

  105. P. Bucciol, E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Perceptual ARQ for H.264 Video Streaming over 3G Wireless Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, June 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1288-1292.

  106. A. Servetti, A. Rinotti, J.C. De Martin Fast Implementation of the MPEG-4 AAC Main and Low Complexity Decoder Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada, May 2004, vol. 5, pp. 249-252.

  107. Y-W. Wang, E.S.G. Carotti, D.J. Miller, J.C. De Martin A Two-Stage Estimation Approach for Bridging the Performance-Complexity Gap in Joint Source Channel Decoding Proc. of Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems Princeton University (CISS), NJ, USA, March 2004.

  108. M. Petracca, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Voice Transmission over 802.11 Wireless Networks using Analysis-by-Synthesis Packet Classification Proc. of First Intl. Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 2004, pp. 587-590.

  109. E. Masala, H. Yang, K. Rose, J.C. De Martin Rate-Distortion Optimized Slicing, Packetization and Coding for Error Resilient Video Transmission Proc. of Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, UT, USA, March 2004, pp. 182-191.

  110. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Link-Level Unequal Error Detection for Speech Transmission over 802.11 Networks Proc. of Workshop on DSP in Mobile and Vehicular Systems (SWIM), Maui, Hawaii, USA, January 2004.

  111. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, A.R. Meo Low-complexity lossless video coding via adaptive spatio-temporal prediction Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Barcelona, Spain, September 2003, vol. 2, pp. 197-200.

  112. D. Quaglia, J.C. De Martin Adaptive Packet Classification for Constant Perceptual Quality of Service Delivery of Video Streams over Time-Varying Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Baltimore, MD, Jul 2003, vol. 3, pp. 369-372.

  113. E. Masala, J.C. De Martin Analysis-By-Synthesis Distortion Computation For Rate-Distortion Optimized Multimedia Streaming Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Baltimore, MD, Jul 2003, vol. 3, pp. 345-348.

  114. C. Grasso, D. Quaglia, L. Farinetti, G. Fiorio, J.C. De Martin Wide-band Compensation of Presbycusis Proc. of IASTED Intl. Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA), Rhodes, Greece, June 2003, pp. 104-108.

  115. G. Davini, D. Quaglia, J.C. De Martin, C. Casetti Perceptually-Evaluated Loss-Delay Controlled Adaptive Transmission of MPEG Video over IP Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003, vol. 1, pp. 577-581.

  116. F. D’Agostino, E. Masala, L. Farinetti, J.C. De Martin A Simulative Study of Analysis-By-Synthesis Perceptual Video Classification and Transmission over DiffServ IP Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003, vol. 1, pp. 572-576.

  117. A. Servetti, C. Testa, J.C. De Martin Frequency-Selective Partial Encryption of Compressed Audio Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hong Kong, April 2003, vol. 5, pp. 668-671.

  118. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Adaptive Interactive Speech Transmission Over 802.11 Wireless LANs Proc. of Workshop on DSP in Mobile and Vehicular Systems, Nagoya, Japan, Apr 2003.

  119. E. Masala, C.F. Chiasserini, M. Meo, J.C. De Martin Real-Time Transmission of H.264 Video Over 802.11-Based Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Proc. of Workshop on DSP in Mobile and Vehicular Systems, Nagoya, Japan, Apr 2003.

  120. D. Quaglia, J.C. De Martin Delivery of MPEG Video Streams with Constant Perceptual Quality of Service Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug 2002, vol. 2, pp. 85-88.

  121. F. De Vito, L. Farinetti, J.C. De Martin Perceptual Classification of MPEG Video for Differentiated-Services Communications Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug 2002, vol. 1, pp. 141-144.

  122. E.S.G. Carotti, J.C. De Martin, A.R. Meo Backward-Adaptive Lossless Compression of Video Sequences Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, Florida, May 2002, vol. 4, pp. 3417-3420.

  123. A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Perception-Based Selective Encryption of G.729 Speech Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, Florida, May 2002, vol. 1, pp. 621-624.

  124. D. Quaglia, A. Montuori, E. Pasero, J.C. De Martin Interactive DSP Educational Platform for Real-Time Subband Audio Coding Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, Florida, May 2002, vol. 4, pp. 4136-4139.

  125. E. Masala, D. Quaglia, J.C. De Martin Adaptive Picture Slicing for Distortion-Based Classification of Video Packets Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Cannes, France, October 2001, pp. 111-116.

  126. D. Quaglia, B. Montrucchio Sobol Partial Distortion Algorithm for Fast Full Search in Block Motion Estimation Proc. of EuroGraphics Multimedia Workshop 2001, Manchester, United Kingdom, September 2001, pp. 87-94.

  127. J.C. De Martin, D. Quaglia Distortion-Based Packet Marking for MPEG Video Transmission over DiffServ Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Tokyo, Japan, August 2001, pp. 521-524.

  128. J.C. De Martin Source-Driven Packet Marking for Speech Transmission over Differentiated-Services Networks Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 2001, vol. 2, pp. 753-756.

  129. A. Barberis, C. Casetti, J.C. De Martin, M. Meo A Simulation Study of Adaptive Voice Communications for IP Networks Proc. of the Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2000), Vancouver, 17-20 July 2000, pp. 531-541.

  130. C. Casetti, J.C. De Martin, M. Meo A Framework for the Analysis of Adaptive Voice over IP Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), New Orleans, June 2000, pp. 821-826.

  131. J.C. De Martin, T. Unno, V. Viswanathan Improved Frame Erasure Concealment for CELP-Based Coders Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000, vol. 3, pp. 1483-1486.

  132. E. Paksoy, J.C. De Martin, A. McCree, C.G. Gerlach, A. Anandakumar, L. Wai-Ming, V. Viswanathan An Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Coder for Digital Cellular Telephony Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Phoenix, Arizona, March 1999, vol. 1, pp. 193-196.

  133. S. Yeldener, J.C. De Martin, V. Viswanathan A Mixed Sinusoidally Excited Linear Prediction Coder at 4 kb/s and Below Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seattle, Washington, May 1998, vol. 2, pp. 589-592.

  134. A. McCree, J.C. De Martin A 1.7 kb/s MELP Coder with Improved Analysis and Quantization Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seattle, Washington, May 1998, vol. 2, pp. 593-596.

  135. A. McCree, J.C. De Martin A 1.6 kb/s MELP Coder for Wireless Communications Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications, Pocono Manor Inn, Pennsylvania, September 1997, pp. 23-24.

  136. J.C. De Martin, A. Gersho Mixed-Domain Coding of Speech at 3 kbit/s Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Atlanta, Georgia, May 1996, vol. 1, pp. 216-219.

  137. J.C. De Martin, A. Gersho Mixed-Domain Coding and Interpolation of Voiced Speech Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications, Annapolis, Maryland, September 1995, pp. 25-26.

National Conferences

  1. L. Favario, A.R. Meo, E. Masala, FARE: A New Free Architecture for Remote Education Proc. of Didamatica, Genova, Italy, April 2015

  2. S. Basso, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin, The hitchhiker’s guide to the Network Neutrality Bot test methodology Proc. of Congresso Annuale AICA, Torino, Italy, November 2011

  3. S. Basso, A. Servetti, J.C. De Martin Rationale, Design, and Implementation of the Network Neutrality Bot Proc. of Congresso Annuale AICA, Aquila, Italy, September 2010

  4. J.C. De Martin, D. Quaglia, E. Masala, A.R. Meo Perceptual Classification of Multimedia Data Proc. of XXXIX Congresso Annuale AICA, Como, Italy, September 2001, pp. 341-351 (in Italian)

  5. E. Masala, A.R. Meo, A. Servetti EduLinux - A technical solution for customized automatic installations of Linux on low-cost computer and networks Proc. of XXXVII Congresso Annuale AICA, Abano Terme, Italy, September 1999, pp. 580-589 (in Italian)

  6. J.C. De Martin New Technique of Dictionary Updating for Textual-Substitution Based Data Compression Proc. of Congresso Annuale AICA, Turin, Italy, October 1992, pp. 821-827 (in Italian)